
I didest donatest my lifeblood… est.

I even woke up early to do so.  Pretty big sacrafice and all.  I’m cool.  The lady recognized me from last time.  Also, I got an e-mail today from the Red Cross reminding me I’m eligible to donate again today.

The way they had it set up this time you had to get ur number and sign in and read the little packet of info outside the main room.  When I was turning in the packet and getting my number a girl started to walk out the donation room, stopped, leaned against the doorframe, and then passed out.  It was pretty funny.  She came back when I was eating cookies saying she through up and wanted to get checked out to see if something was wrong or something.  She had a test or something.  /shrug  I think she could just wear the sticker and remind the professor to be nice.

The I gave myself a bit more than an hour to donate and only needed 30 minutes.  I only had about 5 minutes of waiting around time.  Actual donation time 5 minutes.  My bag of blood fell of it’s little hook onto the floor.  I’ve never seen that before.

Only other blood related event of note was that they missed my vein and had to dig around a bit.  I should just tell them which of my veins are all slippery and stuff, but it’s kinda funny to watch them struggle.

Also, I donated alongside Megan.  She was ahead of me a bit so we couldn’t race.

That is all.