Things I've learned


Just now I noticed a friend of mine from middle school has posted on facebook that she’s engaged and pregnant. I’m sure the two are pretty unrelated. This friend of mine, and I, have 9 mutual friends on facebook. So, including her, that’s 10 people, all about 25, all from my middle school/early high school years. 1 is gay. 2 don’t have any children, that I know of. The other 7 have either adopted, had kids, or are pregnant. 70% is higher than is generally represented amongst my friends, probably, but I found it noteworthy. It seems like that ratio can’t change much in the near future.


Facebook is watching

24 hours... scary fast.  :P
24 hours... scary fast. 😛
Things I enjoy

I do it for the lols

This is my new favorite picture on Facebook (edit: not on Facebook anymore… so I had to do a bit of work to get the image back into viewing), that isn’t of me. It makes me lol. It’s kinda hard to explain, but, I think, Sidney‘s found some of the humor in that the helmet/glasses combo makes her look kinda retarded.