
I like praying… and chainsawing

Well, I’m still at Central. We went to Lauren’s last weekend and chilled and ate. There were lots of people around all the time, so I couldn’t really be doing what everyone was doing all the time, but there were some good times anyway. We played capture the flag and I got to show that I’m fast. People keep thinking I’m not fast just because I don’t move fast very often.

Donny’s around. Occasionally he disappears all day with his other friends, but he’s around more than never, so that’s cool.

On the whole getting my degree from Central front, I think it’s all taken care of. I looked at my report and as far as I can tell the master computer agrees now that I did the work required. So I just have to wait until June and see, I guess. And then I’m sure there will be more paperwork and stuff related to the internship. Evermore.

This weekend the central gang is going to Portland for fun and to meet up with Sidney’s friend, Emily Anne Geddes. Since I’m still hanging around I’m planning on tagging along, and since I am we’re gonna sleep at Keston and Ody’s place, it looks like. It’ll be good to see those guys, so hopefully the find some time to chat and stuff. I’m gonna try and meet up with some of the other Linfieldians and Portland dwellers too, but I’m not very hopeful. Lots of people have plans for the weekend already I’m sure.

My sister is home, apparently. I haven’t seen any evidence, but that’s what mom claims. Sorry I’m not there with my gaggle of friends, sister dearest. Umm… I hope someday you can forgive me. And to you other Kennewickians who have been left behind, umm… come visit, or text me or something. I dun want to leave you behind really.


You don’t need me, you have my links.

I’ve been busy.  Busy for me is somewhat different than for normal people.  See, for me, when I have work that needs doing, then I necessarily have time in between that needs to be filled with procrastination.  When there is nothing that needs doing, I don’t need to procrastinate, and so the blog suffers.  Basically, I’ve been busy with play, no time to blog.

It’s been too long since the last update so I can’t actually give you much of  a blow by blow, and frankly you wouldn’t want it.  Suffice it to say that I’ve been hanging out with Pat a lot, Aaron occasionally, and on most weekends with Lauren, Sidney, Dan, Hiro, and Yusuke, the Central peeps.

What have we been doing?  Well, we saw Wolverine.  And the Asians went camping out by my house.  And we all visited Sidney’s home on the range.  When the Central people are around we do a lot of PS3 and basketball playing.  Now that I’ve been kidnapped up to Central we swim occasionally.  Pat and I mountain bike and play WoW.  We made it to 80 so now we kinda grind a lot of rep and work on getting geared.  That’s all kinda on hiatus for me now that I’m stolen.

I get a lot of people asking me what I’m doing and I have taken to responding, “living the dream.”  Basically, I’m on summer break.  I did apply for an internship at PNNL, and I think I got it, I just don’t officially have it yet.  News today is that I won’t have it until June.  At least that’s what I’m given to understand.  I haven’t officially graduated thanks to the wonderful staff here at Central, so I can’t have my internship, I guess.  I’m still working on getting a piece of paper signed so I’ll be all set to graduate after this quarter.  I need the new chair of the Math department to sign something, but apparently he only comes into work on days that start with “Q”.  Either that or the secretary doesn’t want to take responsibility for her forgetting about my piece of paper.  Anyway, I think once that’s done all I have to do is wait patiently for something that should already be mine so I can start making money.  *shrug* I want the break anyway.  I really don’t enjoy the paperwork hassle, though.

Tomorrow supposedly the paper will be signed and I can get this stuff and then we, the Central people, are going to Seattle and Lauren’s house.  The Asians are gonna go see the Mariners play.  Donny is coming, and there’s a chance we can meet up with Pat.  Lauren’s house will have lots of fatty foods, so I can store up for the next winter I come across.

Tonight the plan is to play basketball from 9-11.  We’ve been ordered to not disturb Megan in her watching of the season finale of Grey’s Anatomy.  She’s been irrationally vehement about it.  I have no leg to stand on given I’m technically breaking rules just by being in Anderson as long as I have, so I can’t complain.  The other people are unwilling to face her wrath so instead of risking an accidentally audible sound we’re just going to hide out in the gym.  Also, some of us are gonna go watch a crippled guy break dance.  *shrug* I’m not doing anything else, right?

Anyway, that’s the gist.  Hopefully I’ll be a bit better in the future… although the immediate future is filled with lack of computer, so don’t hold your breath.  I’ll try and post something more insightful next time.

Things I enjoy Update

status report

Free weekend had I.  No homework really, yet.  Played D&D, thought about D&D, worked on D&D, read about D&D, watched movies about D&D… my 5 favorite things.  Well, not quite really, since by played I mean DM’d, but DMing is quite fun in my current situation, as well.  The gang leveled and thought they were going to defeat their arch nemesis, but were tricked by my clever placement of a different human in the dungeon.  :0

A bunch of us went swimming today.  Consequentially, I took a shower.  Strange happening was noticed recently.  It is pictured below.  There’s not a lot to see, but some of you still might not get it.  See if you can see what troubles me.

It is in a mirror... which could make it tricky

I’ll leave you all to puzzle over that.  Or at least, I think I will.  Probably totally obvious to everyone and it’s only I that would never notice if it weren’t for it being me.  /shrug

Also, listen to Stephen Fry’s podcast thing.  It’s good.  I’ve only listened to the most recent one, on language and grammar, but I suggest you check it out.  Especially you linguists out there (Donny).

I’m sure work will commence in earnest soon.  Boy how I’m looking forward to that.


Where have all the road warriors gone?

Donny, Sidney, and Pat are all being kept away by the weather.  Boo to you and to them.

Also, if you have been not texting me because you’re worried about the charges to me, you can stop worrying for now.


It snowed

So I went outside with nothing but my shorts on and flexed and roared and looked primal.  Nobody was around to take pictures, though.

I’m pretty alone in Anderson tonight.  The girls fled for fear of weather.  They all made it home fine, except Megan who apparently had an incident.  I think those things have to be self fulfilling or something.  She’s fine though, just slid around a bit or something.

The main Asians are still here.  They made me dinner and I made them dessert.  They’re all leaving early tomorrow to go on a grand vacation adventure.

Mom’s coming to get me tomorrow and take me home.  Just Aaron and Kim for the first few days, but Pat’s coming back, and Donny, and Sidney may even visit.  Should be fun times.

Donny was up visiting but he ran away, too.  He’s got this cool work setup where he has to drive back to Portland every weekend.  Neato, huh?

I got an A in 480, that’s the capstone class.  I got A-‘s in Boris’s classes, which is good, considering.  I somehow only got a B in Physics, even though it was probably the easiest class.  I think most of the blame falls on having a final at 8 am.  I don’t do well at 8 am.  It’s ok, though, was taking it just for fun and all.  Grades were up really fast this quarter.

I should sleep so I can wake up when or before mom get’s here.  Sidney actually updated her blog.  There are videos featuring my voice from when we went to Lauren’s house last weekend.  That’s all for now.


It’s good to have a few friends that don’t drink

My ear buds are dead, so I’ve been walking around campus with my giant headphones.  It’s pretty cool.  They double as earmuffs.  They fit underneath my giant hood of the sweatshirt I’m always wearing, too.  The cord is so long it goes from my pocket, to my shins, to my head.

Took a physics test yesterday.  First one, so I dunno how I did.  I’m not concerned, though.  I did well on the practice test and I am just taking the class for fun, so I think I’m getting what I came for.

A bunch of us went to play badmitton in the gym yesterday.  At one point Hiro and I played against Dan and Luke in a match where we actually kept score.  I wasn’t paying close attention but I was told at one point that the score was 10-2 them and we were playing match point.  When we won that volley I told Dan and Luke they better watch out, we were gonna come from behind.  Guess how that ended.  That’s right, 9 unanswered points for Hiro and I.  Go team short and apathetic!

Today in class Paul stole someone’s sunglasses, and was still wearing his beanie and was just sitting in the middle of the lecture with that look going.  So Liam has a beany and sunglasses and copies him.  And then like 3 more of us sitting in the vacinity put our hoods way up and I had my hair in my face.  The professor was writing a bunch of stuff on the board while this was going on and he turned around and was all like, “Jesus!  What is this uni-bomber class?”  And we were all sitting in the second row so the whole first row had no idea what was going on.  It was pretty funny.

I jogged a 7 minute 50 second mile today.  That’s according to Elisabeth, I wasn’t timing.  I was surprised at the speed since I can’t remember the last time I officially ran a mile, unless that’s what Donny and I did that one time last year.  Gonna try and keep doing it fairly frequently and see if I can improve.

Tomorrow I might go grocery shopping for lentil stew fixings which I might make sometime soonish.  After this shopping we’re gonna play D&D again, finally.  Hopefully tomorrow will be a good day.