
1337 or something.

Well, I guess I dun have that much homework at the moment. I should study for this bio test I have day after tomorrow that is going to be uber hard. I know this because I’m smart… I’ll prolly still fail the test though. especially w/ all the not studying and all. I dun really study ever. 😛 I think I finish up my Chem lab write up tomorrow… go in and ask someone a few questions before the lab. Gots to do the pre chem lab write up thing too. 😛 In lab today we had a lab quiz and they asked us what the little tube thing is leading to the egg in a plant ovary and for some reason osculum popped into my head and I couldn’t get it out. I wrote it down cause I couldn’t think of what the word meant so I figured it mite be write but as we all know and as I figured out before the lab was over an osculum is the opening of a sponge. The answer they were looking for, I suspect anyway, is micropyle… as I’m sure u all would guess. Stupid me. Just a preview of the test I suppose :P. We got to dissect things though and I only had to draw one picture… which is a vast improvement over last weeks 7. Dr. Gaiser threw a worm in with the leeches we had and they killed it. It was sweet. We got to cut up helpless little worms… and crayfish… and uh… what else… oh yeah… a clam. So that was cool… the lab write up I’m not looking forward to cause it asks a bunch of questions I don’t know that answers too. Oh well. Kinda weird how bio got hard all of a sudden… maybe I’m not good w/ animals. I should stick w/ bacteria or something maybe. Dun have to have the lab write up dun for 2 weeks though cause next week we don’t have lab cause we’re going to the aquarium which mite be cool. Have to wake up by 8:30am tho which sux0rs. miss calc tho. Hmm… what else can I babble about to avoid doin’ homework. I don’t have any inner problems… not suicidal… dun have confidence issues or a girl I’m pining for. Altho I can’t spell. *sob* oh god! Y won’t u let me spell?!?!!one!? I think I should cut my wrists so I can finaly see something pure come of me. Pure red thick blood, spewing forth into the world out of my veins, as I sink into the bleak, dark, black, nothingness that is death. So much more preferable to my life. *tear* *look all deep and shit upward slightly at nothing* *head falls to chest* *fade to black* *wild applause* 😛

Yeah, that’s prolly enuf for now. Apparently I mite be leaving campus in a bit… for to watch others purchase things… yippee.