I got a card from my parents, con dinero, which was nice, and a bunch of the Asians got together and made me this card. I think the art was done by Aki. It’s pretty awesome, as you can see, so it was nice.
Sidney and Dan and maybe some others made curry for dinner for me. Added some spice and pineapple. It was very good. I like curry. Sidney also bought me some milk and Kix, which I mentioned a week or so ago I was considering desirable, and mint chocolate chip ice cream. Come to think of it, Sidney like mint chocolate chip too, so maybe it wasn’t really for me. Regardless, the ice cream went nicely with the cake Lauren made for me, and half successfully frosted with help from her visiting friend, Katie. The cake was good, but not as good as the cake I’m gonna make her on Monday. Hiro got me a couple erasers because he found out I’ve been lacking, and Yusuke got me a couple nice mechanical pencils cause the one I’ve been using all quarter is… ragged.
Elisabeth and Martha both claim to have gifts for me coming soon.
So, for all of you who wished me a happy birthday, your wish came true. And for all those who didn’t, a pox on your children! (because I obviously believe in punishment for the sins of the father)
Oh yeah, and Sidney also wore her glasses all day cause I dislike contacts, and maybe tried to dress a little more slovenly than usual. Kinda hard to tell. A female altering her appearance in any way at my behest, if only for my birthday, is none the less kinda touching.