
You don’t need me, you have my links.

I’ve been busy.  Busy for me is somewhat different than for normal people.  See, for me, when I have work that needs doing, then I necessarily have time in between that needs to be filled with procrastination.  When there is nothing that needs doing, I don’t need to procrastinate, and so the blog suffers.  Basically, I’ve been busy with play, no time to blog.

It’s been too long since the last update so I can’t actually give you much of  a blow by blow, and frankly you wouldn’t want it.  Suffice it to say that I’ve been hanging out with Pat a lot, Aaron occasionally, and on most weekends with Lauren, Sidney, Dan, Hiro, and Yusuke, the Central peeps.

What have we been doing?  Well, we saw Wolverine.  And the Asians went camping out by my house.  And we all visited Sidney’s home on the range.  When the Central people are around we do a lot of PS3 and basketball playing.  Now that I’ve been kidnapped up to Central we swim occasionally.  Pat and I mountain bike and play WoW.  We made it to 80 so now we kinda grind a lot of rep and work on getting geared.  That’s all kinda on hiatus for me now that I’m stolen.

I get a lot of people asking me what I’m doing and I have taken to responding, “living the dream.”  Basically, I’m on summer break.  I did apply for an internship at PNNL, and I think I got it, I just don’t officially have it yet.  News today is that I won’t have it until June.  At least that’s what I’m given to understand.  I haven’t officially graduated thanks to the wonderful staff here at Central, so I can’t have my internship, I guess.  I’m still working on getting a piece of paper signed so I’ll be all set to graduate after this quarter.  I need the new chair of the Math department to sign something, but apparently he only comes into work on days that start with “Q”.  Either that or the secretary doesn’t want to take responsibility for her forgetting about my piece of paper.  Anyway, I think once that’s done all I have to do is wait patiently for something that should already be mine so I can start making money.  *shrug* I want the break anyway.  I really don’t enjoy the paperwork hassle, though.

Tomorrow supposedly the paper will be signed and I can get this stuff and then we, the Central people, are going to Seattle and Lauren’s house.  The Asians are gonna go see the Mariners play.  Donny is coming, and there’s a chance we can meet up with Pat.  Lauren’s house will have lots of fatty foods, so I can store up for the next winter I come across.

Tonight the plan is to play basketball from 9-11.  We’ve been ordered to not disturb Megan in her watching of the season finale of Grey’s Anatomy.  She’s been irrationally vehement about it.  I have no leg to stand on given I’m technically breaking rules just by being in Anderson as long as I have, so I can’t complain.  The other people are unwilling to face her wrath so instead of risking an accidentally audible sound we’re just going to hide out in the gym.  Also, some of us are gonna go watch a crippled guy break dance.  *shrug* I’m not doing anything else, right?

Anyway, that’s the gist.  Hopefully I’ll be a bit better in the future… although the immediate future is filled with lack of computer, so don’t hold your breath.  I’ll try and post something more insightful next time.