
I’ve been thinking way too long trying to come up with a title

I registered for Winter quarter classes on Friday.  I got to register way before everyone else, cause I’m awesome.  I’m signed up for five 400 level computer science courses.  I’ve decided against taking the second quarter of Modern Physics so I can take Computational Intelligence.  I’m also taking Operating Systems, Software Engineering part II, which is where we actually build the crazy thing I’ve been getting all the paperwork together for this quarter, a little senior colloquium thing about ethics, prolly lots of presentations and papers, and I’m a TA for a class yet to be determined.  Grading papers and everything.  If I get lucky and the class I TA for is in the afternoon, then I have no classes before noon.  Such a thing would be a nice boon.

Parents stopped by on the way to Seattle.  Bought me food and such.  Maybe tomorrow I’ll make lentil stew.  Yusuke bought swim trunks at Goodwill so he could go swimming with the group tonight.

Dan, Hiro, Yusuke, Luke, Lauren, Sidney, Elisabeth, and I all went swimming.  Well, Elisabeth went to the pool, not into the pool.  She read or something.  I threw a water polo ball, I guess that’s what it was, at Yusuke‘s head, and gave him a bloody nose.  Was a stupid thing for me to do.  He’s ok, but it was still very stupid.  I don’t normally do stupid things.  /sigh  The full story is something like, Yusuke and Hiro were having a splash war, Lauren got caught in the cross fire, she splashed at Yusuke, Yusuke splashed back, Lauren says, “Throw this at his head,” I throw the ball at the back of Yusuke‘s head, he turns at the wrong time, he throws the ball back, then we notice he has a small blood loss problem.

With all the swimming, and showering associated with swimming, I’m more motivated to get rid of my hair.  I want to have my beard without my hair for a while, though, so hopefully Sidney will find time and courage to cut my hair for me soon.

I get my Tuesday class cancelled this week.  Woo hoo.  I guess at least I’ll get to sleep in.


It’s good to have a few friends that don’t drink

My ear buds are dead, so I’ve been walking around campus with my giant headphones.  It’s pretty cool.  They double as earmuffs.  They fit underneath my giant hood of the sweatshirt I’m always wearing, too.  The cord is so long it goes from my pocket, to my shins, to my head.

Took a physics test yesterday.  First one, so I dunno how I did.  I’m not concerned, though.  I did well on the practice test and I am just taking the class for fun, so I think I’m getting what I came for.

A bunch of us went to play badmitton in the gym yesterday.  At one point Hiro and I played against Dan and Luke in a match where we actually kept score.  I wasn’t paying close attention but I was told at one point that the score was 10-2 them and we were playing match point.  When we won that volley I told Dan and Luke they better watch out, we were gonna come from behind.  Guess how that ended.  That’s right, 9 unanswered points for Hiro and I.  Go team short and apathetic!

Today in class Paul stole someone’s sunglasses, and was still wearing his beanie and was just sitting in the middle of the lecture with that look going.  So Liam has a beany and sunglasses and copies him.  And then like 3 more of us sitting in the vacinity put our hoods way up and I had my hair in my face.  The professor was writing a bunch of stuff on the board while this was going on and he turned around and was all like, “Jesus!  What is this uni-bomber class?”  And we were all sitting in the second row so the whole first row had no idea what was going on.  It was pretty funny.

I jogged a 7 minute 50 second mile today.  That’s according to Elisabeth, I wasn’t timing.  I was surprised at the speed since I can’t remember the last time I officially ran a mile, unless that’s what Donny and I did that one time last year.  Gonna try and keep doing it fairly frequently and see if I can improve.

Tomorrow I might go grocery shopping for lentil stew fixings which I might make sometime soonish.  After this shopping we’re gonna play D&D again, finally.  Hopefully tomorrow will be a good day.