
C. S. Lewis shares my birthday as well, except he died on it

Lauren has been asked by her parents to read, Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis.  I was understandably curious so I’ve read the first 5 chapters, but I’ve stopped.  I do not wish to go into detail as to my objections with the book, feeling that it is better to allow Lauren to read the book unhindered by the opinion of her new boyfriend, as her parents intend, than to potentially muddle the fairness of the debate going on currently in the Carr home.

Still, I will say that I have good news for you Lauren.  It is possible you do not need to read very much.  Mr. Lewis quickly lays out his argument for the existence of any sort of high controller being, so if you cannot make this argument make sense, there is no need to go on to hear his explanations of why that being must be the Christian God, born in Christ of the holy virgin Mary and murdered for our sins and resurrected after 3 days then lifted to heaven to sit at his fathers/his own side for all eternity in the Kingdom of Heaven.

I guess I’m warning you to pay attention to the beginning arguments and consider them, before reading on, as one is liable to forget the foundation’s flaws if one moves past them too quickly, hoping to finish the book.