Things I enjoy Update


Thanks Asians
Thanks Asians

I got a card from my parents, con dinero, which was nice, and a bunch of the Asians got together and made me this card. I think the art was done by Aki. It’s pretty awesome, as you can see, so it was nice.

Sidney and Dan and maybe some others made curry for dinner for me. Added some spice and pineapple.  It was very good.  I like curry.  Sidney also bought me some milk and Kix, which I mentioned a week or so ago I was considering desirable, and mint chocolate chip ice cream. Come to think of it, Sidney like mint chocolate chip too, so maybe it wasn’t really for me. Regardless, the ice cream went nicely with the cake Lauren made for me, and half successfully frosted with help from her visiting friend, Katie.  The cake was good, but not as good as the cake I’m gonna make her on Monday. Hiro got me a couple erasers because he found out I’ve been lacking, and Yusuke got me a couple nice mechanical pencils cause the one I’ve been using all quarter is… ragged.

Elisabeth and Martha both claim to have gifts for me coming soon.

So, for all of you who wished me a happy birthday, your wish came true.  And for all those who didn’t, a pox on your children! (because I obviously believe in punishment for the sins of the father)

Oh yeah, and Sidney also wore her glasses all day cause I dislike contacts, and maybe tried to dress a little more slovenly than usual. Kinda hard to tell. A female altering her appearance in any way at my behest, if only for my birthday, is none the less kinda touching.


I may never eat again… *groan*

11/14/2008 8:00:00 PM Bacon Ultimate Cheseburger 1
11/14/2008 8:00:00 PM french fries, w/ ketchup, serving 1
11/14/2008 8:00:00 PM milkshake, egg nog 1

I got Dan, Yusuke, and Hiro to go to Jack in the Box and eat BUC’s with me. They all finished, they were good. I regret nothing! Someone please help me.


Flu shot

I’m gonna go get a flu shot now, to help with the herd immunity.  You can thank me later.

Things I think Update


I donated blood today.  I just walked in between classes and was done in 40 minutes.  Fastest donation ever.  I took about 6 minutes with the needle in my arm, but the thing was pretty smooth.  I think it was about all I can expect from such a bureaucracy.  My blood pressure is just teetering above hypo-tension, in case you were curious.

I signed up for the marrow registry, as well.  I was the first one of the day, and apparently that’s the hard one cause after I was doing it basically everyone who saw me was doing it.

You all should donate blood and sign up for the marrow thing, like me.  I think if you think you have a belief, but won’t act on that belief, even when presented with an opportunity, you don’t really have that belief.  The belief in this case is that saving life is a good thing.  Are you a horrible person?




Photos by Miho.  Haircut by Sidney.  Nagging by nearly everyone ever.


I’ve been thinking way too long trying to come up with a title

I registered for Winter quarter classes on Friday.  I got to register way before everyone else, cause I’m awesome.  I’m signed up for five 400 level computer science courses.  I’ve decided against taking the second quarter of Modern Physics so I can take Computational Intelligence.  I’m also taking Operating Systems, Software Engineering part II, which is where we actually build the crazy thing I’ve been getting all the paperwork together for this quarter, a little senior colloquium thing about ethics, prolly lots of presentations and papers, and I’m a TA for a class yet to be determined.  Grading papers and everything.  If I get lucky and the class I TA for is in the afternoon, then I have no classes before noon.  Such a thing would be a nice boon.

Parents stopped by on the way to Seattle.  Bought me food and such.  Maybe tomorrow I’ll make lentil stew.  Yusuke bought swim trunks at Goodwill so he could go swimming with the group tonight.

Dan, Hiro, Yusuke, Luke, Lauren, Sidney, Elisabeth, and I all went swimming.  Well, Elisabeth went to the pool, not into the pool.  She read or something.  I threw a water polo ball, I guess that’s what it was, at Yusuke‘s head, and gave him a bloody nose.  Was a stupid thing for me to do.  He’s ok, but it was still very stupid.  I don’t normally do stupid things.  /sigh  The full story is something like, Yusuke and Hiro were having a splash war, Lauren got caught in the cross fire, she splashed at Yusuke, Yusuke splashed back, Lauren says, “Throw this at his head,” I throw the ball at the back of Yusuke‘s head, he turns at the wrong time, he throws the ball back, then we notice he has a small blood loss problem.

With all the swimming, and showering associated with swimming, I’m more motivated to get rid of my hair.  I want to have my beard without my hair for a while, though, so hopefully Sidney will find time and courage to cut my hair for me soon.

I get my Tuesday class cancelled this week.  Woo hoo.  I guess at least I’ll get to sleep in.


Titles are for sissies

I’ve been pretty busy this week.  Mostly done now, though.  I went swimming with Lauren, Sidney, Dan, and Hiro, and like 50 strangers.  I got a blister on my pinky from the flippers I wore the whole time.

I wish John Hodgman hadn’t taken that whole, “That is all” thing, cause I was doing it years ago, just not consistantly, and now I can’t use it or everyone will think I’m referencing him for some reason.

Uncategorized Update

Halloween costume

There are many photos likely to show up on facebook soon.  I might put a few more here, but here’s a good starter.

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no class

My professor keeps not showing up to class.  I could be sleeping more, or staying up later.



This summer I had an internship.  I’m not used to working during my breaks.  So, I decided to sleep less.  I used to try to sleep 8 hours, now I go for 6 – 7.  I’ve been waking up before my alarm every day this quarter, except one day.  I’ve never done such a thing before.  Yeah, so if you’re working hard on that 8 hour sleep night, I suggest you experiment with a different schedule.

Note: I still let myself sleep as much as I want on the weekends, which seems to average to about 10 hours or something.