
I r on duty

I haven’t updated in a while for a couple reasons.  Probably the most important is that I’ve been busy.  We had a giant paper due for that capstone class I have, and I also had some programming assignments due in my other classes.  I was very productive during the beginning of this week so I’m a bit ahead now, although I still have much on the horizon.  The other reason is that my internet is so atrociously slow back in the dorm that I can’t seem to load all the WordPress stuff I need to make a new post.  Sad, ain’t it.

So what’s been happening?  I wrote a genetic algorithm.  It’s really simple, just supposed to optimize a two variable algebraic inequality, but it’s still cool, imho.  I had a bug that flummoxed me for several hours until I got Keston to look at it.  He fixed it in like 5 minutes.  So, kudos to him.  I tried to make it general, and some of that kinda went by the wayside when I hit the bugs and the deadline, but I’m hoping it’s close and can be easily adapted for alternative projects.

Lauren, keeper of the Netflix queue, has realized that I’m leaving soon, never to complain about their movie selections again, so she’s bumped up all the movies I’ve been suggesting over the year.  So we watched Equilibrium, The Professional, and soon Airplane.  Elisabeth and Sidney opted out of The Professional, which was stupid of them.  I’m very disappointed.  I was a little nervous I wouldn’t like it as much as I remembered, but I still stand by my 10 star rating on IMDB.

Funny coincidence, The Totally Rad Show that was released two days after we watched it had The Professional as their recommended Netflix rental, and Dan said he thought it was a flawless movie.  I don’t really agree with Dan’s movie taste in a lot of ways, but we’re together on that one.  Anyway, the point is, Sidney and Elisabeth are dumb for missing it, and I don’t forgive them.  And anyone who doesn’t like that movie… well, I’ve never heard of such a thing, so please explain yourself.

Pat didn’t come visit me, cause he a sucka foo, or something.  I didn’t get him anything for his bday, though, so we’ll call it even.

Helen Marie Havnaer is my friend on facebook now.  You guys remember her?  From camp that one year when I was like 12?  /shurg  Well, I do.

Tomorrow Tyler‘s band is going to play on campus.  Mom’s coming to see him, and I’ll go.  Hopefully I can get others to go.

There’s more, but I guess they’re the subject of different posts.